If the conversation goes to the channel of winning in roulette, traditionally it is about using all sorts of strategies or betting systems, which, according to their creators, can influence the advantage of the gambling establishment. We never tire of repeating that betting systems, whatever they may be, will not give a positive result, since they overcome the mathematical advantage of a gambling establishment.
However, this does not mean that roulette is the perfect casino game. An attentive player may well tip the scales in their favor. Yes, of course, what we are going to talk about cannot be applied everywhere (it is simply impossible) and they are irrelevant for the ideal gambling process of an online casino, but it is categorically impossible to ignore this.
Hardware is malfunctioning
The roulette wheel must be perfect in the truest sense of the word. Large casinos on a mandatory basis constantly check the position of the wheel in space, its level of wear and the given error. But in lesser known gambling establishments, this issue is not given much attention and this can be used to your advantage.
There are a lot of cases when on old equipment or on a roulette wheel, which is set incorrectly, some numbers dropped out much more often. Of course, there is no need to say that the number will systematically drop out at a convenient time for you, but even a few degrees of deviation of the wheel in space will allow you, with the proper level of observation, to equalize your chances in the game with the casino.
However, you should not think that you can use such a loophole all the time, however, one victory will not be superfluous in this case.
Human factor
Whatever efforts casinos make, the human factor cannot be eradicated; in one form or another, it pops up systematically. Take the individual skills of a dealer, for example. These are experienced casino employees who often periodically train to launch a roulette ball so as to get into a given sector or a neighboring one.
This, by the way, is an obligatory part of the croupier training program, and often they subconsciously transfer their skills to widespread work. Finding and identifying such people in stickman costumes can be tricky, but the results are worth it.
So, the described employees can subconsciously systematically aim at certain sectors, even in cases where there is no real need for this. There are quite a few cases when professional players have been monitoring the staff for months and choosing the tables where the dealer with the “hand memory effect” comes out.
Often, people who are cool about their own work become such people. Their roulette starts are brought to automaticity, and professional players also use this for their own purposes. The chances of guessing the specific number where the ball will fall are very modest, but trying to predict the sector will not be so difficult.
By and large, everyone who loves roulette needs to understand the game of neighbors and sectors, since with a fundamental approach it can be turned into a very serious weapon.
Is it possible to calculate the “behavior” of the ball?
For a long time, mathematicians around the world have been struggling with this question – how to predict the trajectory of a gambling ball falling? Ultimately, it became clear that it would not be possible to do without special knowledge, and it is also clear that this knowledge is useless without complex and bulky equipment, which is prohibited for use in a casino.
But the human factor remains unchanged – the croupier makes mistakes, acts automatically, becomes predictable.